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Roses from Flori in

  • PayPal
  • Epayment
  • 2 Colors Basket 

    387.00 Lei ( € 79.33 )
    The colors harmony is in this gorgeous basket, made from 19 pink and yellow roses.
    The joy of the roses will certainly be sent to your lovely person who receive it.
    Send this beautiful flowers basket by the wanted message and a sweet gift with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
  • Cosulet in Alb si Verde 

    293.50 Lei ( € 60.17 )
    Un superb cosulet de flori in care predomina culoarea alb - cei 11 trandafiri albi si verde - frunzulitele decorative. Potrivit pentru a face o surpiza placuta persoanei dragi. Floraria online Flori in livreaza acest cosulet la domiciliul persoanei dragi in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cosulet Infloritor 

    338.00 Lei ( € 69.29 )
    Un superb cosulet cu 15 trandafiri rosii, menit sa iti aduca zambetul pe buze si bucurie in casa.
    Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu ajutorul florarie online Flori in

    Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament, dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Purity Basket 

    347.50 Lei ( € 71.24 )
    From a nice little basket will light up 4 lilies and 9 white roses covered by the spring green.
    The white of the lilies and roses means - purity.
    Send this beautiful flowers basket, lilies and roses, to your lovely person with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
  • Cosulet tomnatic 

    255.00 Lei ( € 52.27 )
    Nuantele de culori tomnatice ale celor 11 trandafiri si floricelele decorative, ofera o nota jucausa si vesela cosuletului de flori.
    Trimite acest jucaus cosulet de trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Designe-ul cosuletului poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Crini si Trandafiri in cosulet 

    260.50 Lei ( € 53.40 )
    Acest cosulet este format din 8 trandafiri rosii si 3 crini.
    Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri persoani dragi cu floraria online Flori in, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cu adevarat special 

    324.70 Lei ( € 66.56 )
    "Cu adevarat special" a fost creat pentru o persoana speciala in viata ta. Daruieste acest aranjament deosebit unei persoane speciale pentru tine, oricare ar fi aceasta! Aranjamentul este realizat intr-o cutie tip carte, dintr-o combinatie de hortensii, trandafiri, eustoma si orhidee.
     Important: In mod obisnuit, acest aranjament floral trebuie comandat cu aproximativ 7 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru a verifica disponibilitatea sa chiar daca timpul pana la data la care doresti livrarea este mai scurt.

    Dimesiunea cutiei goale este aproximativ 25 cm* 18 cm*6 cm.
  • Feast Colors 

    209.00 Lei ( € 42.84 )
    Red, white and green, a colors combination which brings you the feast in your heart and home...
    The flowers bouquet contains 11 red and white roses, nice arranged in one floral bouquet, in that way in which you cannot take the look from them.
    The flowers represents an important element that cannot missed from any feast.
    Send this beautiful roses bouquet with the online florist from Galati, Flowers in for an unforgettable day.

  • Culorile toamnei 

    287.00 Lei ( € 58.83 )
    Un buchet deosebit, compus din trandafiri, crizanteme, alstroemeria, cale, ce cu siguranta va produce produce bucurie, fie ca este oferit la o aniversare, la o ocazie speciala sau intr-o zi oarecare. Numarul total de flori componente: 4 trandafiri, 5 crizanteme, 4 alstroemeria, 2 cale, in nuante de rosu, galben si oranj.
  • Cutie cu flori  

    169.00 Lei ( € 34.64 )
    O cutie cu un design deosebit, plina cu flori! Cu timpul, inevitabil, florile se vor ofili; in schimb cutia va ramane pentru totdeauna ca amintire. Flori in Galati-Braila iti ofera un aranjament inedit, vesel si practic: caseta ramane si poate ulterior adaposti bijuterii sau alte obiecte, dupa imaginatia si nevoile fiecaruia. Trimite cuiva drag un aranjament alcatuit din crizanteme, trandafiri si minigerbera in culori vesele. Cutia este disponibila in 3 marimi:
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mici este de aproximativ 23*16*5 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei medii este de aproximativ 25*18*6 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mari este de aproximativ 29*21*7 cm,
    Design-ul cutiei poate diferi in functie de stocul existent.
  • Cutie de lux cu trandafiri, alstroemeria si orhidee  

    329.80 Lei ( € 67.61 )
    Vrei un cadou care sa impresioneze? Aceasta cutie cu flori este ideala chiar si pentru cea mai pretentioasa persoana! Trandafirii, alstroemeria si cupele de orhidee, impreuna cu mici detalii decorative se imbina armonios formand un aranjament floral deosebit, ce cu siguranta va ramane mult timp intiparit in memoria persoanei care il va primi.
    Cutia in care se realizeaza aranjamentul este de calitate, eleganta. Diametrul aranjamentului este de 15-20 cm.
  • Declaratie de dragoste 

    341.00 Lei ( € 69.91 )
    Un buchet cu trandafiri rosii si roz, perfect pentru a-ti declara dragostea! Contine 15 trandafiri si verdeata.

    Fotografia este cu titlu de prezentare si nu contine vaza.
  • Delicatete 

    375.50 Lei ( € 76.98 )
    Un aranjament special, pentru o persoana speciala! 12 trandafiri roz pal delicati si 5 cupe de orhidee phalaenopsis, inca si mai delicate, printre fire de eucalipt si feriga, frumos aranjate in burete floral, intr-o cutie bej ce completeaza perfect aranjamentul.

    Atunci cand detaliile conteaza!
  • Duo 

    233.50 Lei ( € 47.87 )
    In this roses bouquet the red and green colors make a perfect duo.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 13 red and white roses.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to create a special moment to your lovely person and sends for you this gorgeous flowers bouquet "Duo" by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
    Certainly the surprise will be covered by the happiness.

  • Color Explosion 

    299.50 Lei ( € 61.40 )
    In this flowers bouquet takes place a color explosion from 13 roses pink.
    The flowers bouquet is destined to bring joy and love in your lovely person.
    Send this gorgeous pink roses bouquet to your lovely person with our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in and you will receive a happiness explosion from your lovely person.

  • Yellow Ecstasy 

    289.00 Lei ( € 59.24 )
    The flowers bouquet is a gorgeous color combination, between green of the leafage and yellow roses petals which rises from the leafage...the 13 roses will bring you not just happiness.
    The joy and the delicacy of the roses will be certainly sent to the person who receive this flowers bouquet.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to create a special moment to your lovely person and sends for you this beautiful flowers bouquet by the wanted message, a plush toy and a sweet gift.

  • Red Ecstasy 

    327.00 Lei ( € 67.03 )
    The flowers bouquet is a gorgeous color combination, between green of the leafage and red roses petals which rises from the leafage...the 13 roses will bring you not just happiness.
    The joy and the delicacy of the roses will be certainly sent to the person who receive this flowers bouquet.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to create a special moment to your lovely person and sends for you this beautiful flowers bouquet by the wanted message, a plush toy and a sweet gift.

  • Christmas Flowers 

    220.50 Lei ( € 45.20 )
    This gorgeous flowers bouquet is made from 7 carnations and 6 red roses, nice arranged with christmas globes and decorative leafage.
    The beautiful bouquet brings Christmas closer to you.

    The image is with presentation title and doesn't contain the vase.
  • Frezii si Trandafiri 

    284.00 Lei ( € 58.22 )
    Un superb buchet de flori, pastelat, format din 7 trandafiri albi si 8 frezii colorate mov, ornat cu frunzulite decorative. Trimite buchetul de frezii si trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in, iar livrarea va fi facuta in aceeasi zi de la comanda. Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul nu contine vaza.
  • Snowballs 

    260.00 Lei ( € 53.30 )
    The flowers bouquet is made from 13 roses like snowballs.
    The roses will bring to your lovely person a little joy and for one moment she will feel special.
    Send to your lovely person this nice roses bouquet with our local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    The image is with presentation title and doesn't contain the vase.
  • Inspiratie 

    387.50 Lei ( € 79.44 )
    Un buchet deosebit, in nuante de portocaliu, galben, rosu. Este alcatuit din 17 fire de floare: trandafiri, amarillys, gerbere, frezii, imbinate armonios cu verdeata.
    Important: Acest buchet trebuie in mod normal comandat cu 7-10 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru a verifica disponibilitatea florilor chiar daca termenul in care doresti livrarea este mai scurt. Pentru a asigura flori proaspete, freziile pot fi inlocuite cu alstroemeria.
  • Lalele si Trandafiri 

    328.00 Lei ( € 67.24 )
    Un buchet delicat de flori de primavara, cu 12 lalele galbene si 9 trandafiri albi. Trimite buchetul de trandafiri si lalele persoanei dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Flori in, florarie ce livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare; vaza nu este inclusa.
  • Love! 

    242.00 Lei ( € 49.61 )
    Love! este un superb buchet de flori, ale carui culori predominante sunt alb si rosu. Buchetul de flori este alcatuit din 7 trandafiri rosii si 2 crini.
    Trimite acest delicat si elegant buchet de flori persoanei dragi, cu floraria online din Galati,, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare; buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
  • Don't forget me! - Yellow 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous yellow roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 yellow roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.
  • Don't forget me! - Red 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous red roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 red roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.

  • Don't forget me! - Pink 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous pink roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 pink roses that will certainly bring a large smile to your lovely person and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet you can also send a sweet gift or a message.

  • Parfumul primaverii 

    441.00 Lei ( € 90.41 )
    Pentru o impresie de neuitat, trimite acest buchet! De dimensiuni generoase si compus din orhidee, trandafiri, lalele si frezii, asortate cu floricele decorative si verdeata, va face cu siguranta senzatie! Numarul de flori componente: 25.
     Important: nuantele florilor si ale floricelelor decorative pot varia in functie de stocul disponibil. Daca iti place acest buchet, comanda-l din timp!

  • Love Petals 

    247.00 Lei ( € 50.63 )
    The flowers bouquet "Love Petals" helps you to express your feelings to the lovely person.
    This red roses bouquet is perfect to be romantic both Valentine's day and everyday (without reason). The flowers bouquet is made from 13 red roses (the red roses means endless love) covered by the leafage green.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to be romantic and sends for you this superb red roses bouquet.
  • Ploaie de flori 

    456.50 Lei ( € 93.58 )
    O ploaie de 19 trandafiri rosii si floricele decorative intr-un cosulet de nuiele ornat cu o funda asortata.
    Trimite acest superb cosulet persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online Flori in

    Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Primavara in casa ta  

    198.00 Lei ( € 40.59 )
    O cutie eleganta cu flori de primavara, ce va aduce miresmele si culorile primaverii in casa si sufletul celei ce o va primi. Eleganta, bun gust, rafinament!
  • Sunshine 

    299.00 Lei ( € 61.29 )
    This flowers bouquet, because of his roses and gerbera luminosity, will bring light in your house and in your hearts.
    The flowers bouquet contains 2 flowers type: 7 yellow roses and 8 yellow gerbera which are growing up like sunshine in the morning, through the green leafage.
    The flowers bouquet is perfect to create a nice moment to your lovely person; the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this roses and gerbera bouquet by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
  • Revelation 

    375.50 Lei ( € 76.98 )
    The roses bouquet "Revelation" is made from 17 roses: white roses, pink roses, red roses and orange roses, ready to inspire you with their beauty and delicacy.
    The roses of this bouquet are rotating in the beauty and the modesty circle, and realize a round flowers bouquet.
    To realize a special moment to your lovely person, the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you and sends for you this gorgeous roses bouquet by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
  • Lilies and roses 

    203.00 Lei ( € 41.61 )
    The flowers bouquet red and white colored by the lilies an roses, an olfactory and visual pleasure...
    The flowers bouquet is made from 6 red roses and 1 lily, nice arranged.
    To bring happiness into your lovely person heart, the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you and sends for you this gorgeous lilies and roses bouquet, by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
  • Rosu intens 

    308.00 Lei ( € 63.14 )
    Un buchet cu diferite flori, toate rosii, special pentru a transmite iubirea si pasiunea ta!
  • Divine Red 

    313.00 Lei ( € 64.16 )
    They tell that the red roses mean the endless love...
    The roses are the most special flowers because of their color intensity, color variety and plant delicacy.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this nice roses bouquet made from 15 red roses by the wanted message and a sweet gift.

  • Pinkly 

    361.00 Lei ( € 74.00 )
    You can say that is too much pink? Yes, in any other occasion, but not in this flowers bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 19 roses.
    The flowers were and will always be an important element to any occasion.
    Order this nice pink flowers bouquet with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, to an unforgettable day.
  • Snowflakes 

    855.00 Lei ( € 175.27 )
    The flowers bouquet "Snowflakes" is made from 45 snowballs - white roses and red roses.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to meet proper the winter and sends you this nice roses bouquet.
    Send to your lovely person this roses bouquet by the wanted message and a sweet gift with the online florist from Timisoara, Flwoers in
  • 19 Roses 

    413.50 Lei ( € 84.77 )
    The roses bouquet is perfect to any important occasion.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 18 + 1 red roses, just ready to say a sincere Happy Birthday! to the young adult, but not just that.
    Send this elegant flowers bouquet to your lovely person with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, which delivers the flowers bouquet to your residence in only 4 hours.
    By the beautiful roses bouquet you can choose also to buy a sweet gift and send a message.

  • Variations 

    768.00 Lei ( € 157.44 )
    The flowers and colors mixture are found in this full of life flowers bouquet "Variations".
    The flowers bouquet contains 37 yellow and orange roses.
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person send this nice roses bouquet by the wanted message and a sweet gift, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
  • Anniversary Roses 

    372.00 Lei ( € 76.26 )
    Wish Happy Birthday! to the loved ones with a bouquet of flowers and maybe a sweet gift delivered by online florist Flowers in Galati, Galati and The bouquet is composed of  how many roses you choose (click on the box "Choose the number of roses", located in the right picture, and choose the number of roses you wish to send). Roses are the most popular flowers because of their delicacy and at the same time their greatness due to the wide range of colors and their resistance. The online florist from Galati, Flowers in delivers the flowers bouquet to your residence in only 4 hours.
  • Trandafiri eleganti in cutie 

    209.00 Lei ( € 42.84 )
    O cutie eleganta in care este realizat un aranjament floral modern.

    Cutia contine 9 trandafiri rosii. Design-ul cutiei poate diferi in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Trandafiri mov si albi in cutie in forma de inima 

    436.00 Lei ( € 89.38 )
    O cutie de flori speciala, atat prin forma, cat si prin continut: cutia este in forma de inima si contine 19 trandafiri roz/mov si albi, inconjurati de floricele mici decorative si cu un detaliu din verdeata ce face diferenta!

    Daruieste cuiva drag un cadou special, ce cu siguranta il va impresiona!

    In mod obisnuit, acest aranjament floral trebuie comandat cu cel putin 7 zile lucratoare inainte de data dorita pentru livrare, insa iti stam la dispozitie oricand pentru a verifica disponibilitatea sa intr-un timp mai scurt.
  • Trandafiri Rosii in Cosulet 

    362.00 Lei ( € 74.21 )
    Un superb cosulet de nuiele cu 17 trandafiri rosii, meniti sa aduca bucurie in suflet.
    Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi.

    Aranjamentul floral contine cosuletul, care poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Trandafiri rosii in cutie in forma de inima  

    436.00 Lei ( € 89.38 )
    O cutie de flori speciala, atat prin forma, cat si prin continut: cutia este in forma de inima si contine 19 trandafiri rosii, inconjurati de floricele mici decorative si cu un detaliu din verdeata ce face diferenta! Daruieste cuiva drag un cadou special, ce cu siguranta il va impresiona!
  • Trandafiri rosii si albi in cutie in forma de inima 

    436.00 Lei ( € 89.38 )
    O cutie de flori speciala, atat prin forma, cat si prin continut: cutia este in forma de inima si contine 19 trandafiri rosii si albi, inconjurati de floricele mici decorative si cu un detaliu din verdeata ce face diferenta! Daruieste cuiva drag un cadou special, ce cu siguranta il va impresiona!
  • Veselie la buchet 

    790.00 Lei ( € 161.95 )
    Trimite-i un buchet care sa-i inveseleasca ziua! 39 de trandafiri colorati, combinati cu verdeata deosebita, ideali pentru a marca o aniversare, o onomastica, pentru a sarbatori o zi speciala sau pur si simplu oentru a inveseli ziua cuiva!

Copyright © 2012-2024 Flori in - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
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Acasa la Flori in Galati-Braila. Livrare de flori la domiciliu in Galati si Braila