659.50 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet cu 31 trandafiri rosii, menit sa iti aduca zambetul pe buze si bucurie in casa.
Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu ajutorul florarie online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament, dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
516.50 Lei ( €
Un cos cu flori special, ce contine atat o planta de orhidee phalaenopsis, cat si flori taiate, aranjate in jurul ei, astfel incat, dupa ce florile taiate inevitabil se ofilesc in cateva zile, ramane orhideea la ghiveci.
Un aranjament bogat, impunator, ce cu siguranta satisface cele mai mari exigente.
242.40 Lei ( €
In the "Anniversary Basket" there are 7 beautiful roses, nice arranged by the one 20 cm Teddy Bear.
The flowers basket and the Teddy Bear are perfect to make a gift to your lovely person, both to the anniversary name, Easter and Chrystmas, but also to be the first who meet the baby birthday.
For all this important events of your life, the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro is by your side and sends for you this gorgeous "anniversary" flowers basket.
160.50 Lei ( €
Un delicat cosulet cu 3 crini imperiali menit sa va aduca zambetul pe buze.
Floraria online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro, este alaturi de tine si trimite in numele tau buchetul de flori ales la domiciliul persoanei dragi, in aceeasi zi.
Cosuletul de flori poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil. Crinii pot fi roz sau albi, in functie de stocul disponibil.
179.50 Lei ( €
In acest cosulet se regasesc 2 trandafiri galbeni, 3 gerbere galbene, 2 crizanteme galbene si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri unei persoane dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
243.50 Lei ( €
Un delicat cosulet cu 9 trandafiri rosii si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri unei persoane dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
411.00 Lei ( €
Cosuletul cu surprize perfect pentru a face o surpriza placuta persoanei dragi, contine 13 trandafiri rosii dispusi in sirag de margele de-a lungul marginii cosuletului, iar in mijloc - surpriza consta din bomboane de ciocolata presarate printre floricele decorative.
Bomboanele si cosuletul pot diferi in functie de stocul disponibil.
387.00 Lei ( €
White spots are growing up through the leafage natural green, and through the decorative white little flowers - the white roses, realize a splendor, a marvelous basket, which cannot be missed up.
The flowers basket is made from 19 white roses, which are waiting excited to tell you Happy Birthday or to make you a happiness.
Send this gorgeous white roses basket to your lovely person, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro and certainly the surprise will be nice.
By the flowers basket the online florist, Flowers in Timisoara can transmit a message for you and send a sweet gift to your lovely person.
The basket can differ in accordance with the stock.
442.00 Lei ( €
Flowers basket contains 17 yellow roses, which grows up through the spring green. This flowers basket will be a beautiful present and will delight the lovely person.
The yellow rose means rich and success...
Send to your lovely person this beautiful yellow roses basket with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
501.00 Lei ( €
The flowers basket contain 17 roses (white roses, pink roses, yellow roses, orange roses) - practically all the colors of the roses are found in this gorgeous flowers basket, that will bring to your lovely person, a little happiness and for a moment she will feel special.
Always a flower gift from the heart, to your lovely person will be a happiness occasion; send this colored roses basket through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
212.00 Lei ( €
Cosulet de flori in care predomina culori roz si verde, este format din 7 trandafiri roz si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest cosulet de fori persoanelor dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, si ai livrare in aceeasi zi.
540.00 Lei ( €
The nature colors are found in this marvelous basket with pink roses and lilys, destined to make you a nice surprise, at any occasion.
The basket flowers is made from 23 pink roses and 2 pink lilys, which are looking like they are picked from the garden, nice arranged to give in your lovely person's life, a plus of color and joy. Color and gentility are two quality that are found in this pink roses and lilys basket.
The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro is by your side and sends for you this gorgeous roses and lilys basket by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
281.40 Lei ( €
From this gorgeous flowers basket rises 9 red beautiful roses, which are accompanied by one 20 cm Teddy Bear.
The "Feast Basket" is perfect to any feast, but especially for Chrystmas and baby birthday.
The plush toy gives to the flowers basket a playfully note, that the flowers baskets is perfect to be given to a baby.
The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro is by your side to any important event from your life and sends for you to your lovely person this nice roses and Teddy Bear basket.
The basket and the toy's color may differ in accordance with the stock.
425.00 Lei ( €
From this basket will delight you, orange roses and white roses.
To make a nice surprise to your lovely person, send this roses basket "Autumn Basket" made from 21 roses with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro and certainly the result will be guerdon from joy and smiles.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
293.50 Lei ( €
11 Trandafiri galbeni alaturi de frunzulite decorative realizeaza un superb cosulet de flori, menit sa aduca bucurie persoanei care il primeste. Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in 4 ore de la comanda.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
293.50 Lei ( €
11 Trandafiri roz alaturi de frunzulite decorative realizeaza un superb cosulet de flori, menit sa aduca bucurie persoanei care il primeste. Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online locala Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in 4 ore de la comanda.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
387.00 Lei ( €
The colors harmony is in this gorgeous basket, made from 19 pink and yellow roses.
The joy of the roses will certainly be sent to your lovely person who receive it.
Send this beautiful flowers basket by the wanted message and a sweet gift with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
293.50 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet de flori in care predomina culoarea alb - cei 11 trandafiri albi si verde - frunzulitele decorative. Potrivit pentru a face o surpiza placuta persoanei dragi. Floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro livreaza acest cosulet la domiciliul persoanei dragi in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
338.00 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet cu 15 trandafiri rosii, menit sa iti aduca zambetul pe buze si bucurie in casa.
Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu ajutorul florarie online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament, dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
182.50 Lei ( €
Nuantele variate de culori ale celor 15 minigerbere, ofera o nota vesela cosuletului de flori.
Trimite acest jucaus cosulet cu gerbere persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
371.50 Lei ( €
From a nice little basket will light up 4 lilies and 9 white roses covered by the spring green.
The white of the lilies and roses means - purity.
Send this beautiful flowers basket, lilies and roses, to your lovely person with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
255.00 Lei ( €
Nuantele de culori tomnatice ale celor 11 trandafiri si floricelele decorative, ofera o nota jucausa si vesela cosuletului de flori.
Trimite acest jucaus cosulet de trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Designe-ul cosuletului poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
159.00 Lei ( €
21 Gerbera in a little basket will bring happiness at any occasion.
Send this beautiful"Happy Basket" by the wanted message and a sweet gift to your lovely person, through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The online florist, Flowers in Timisoara deliver fresh flowers to your residence in only 4 hours.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
272.50 Lei ( €
Acest cosulet este format din 8 trandafiri rosii si 3 crini.
Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri persoani dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
456.50 Lei ( €
O ploaie de 19 trandafiri rosii si floricele decorative intr-un cosulet de nuiele ornat cu o funda asortata.
Trimite acest superb cosulet persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
425.50 Lei ( €
That how a flowers variety are harmonious combined in this flowers basket, that so the 2 friend souls must to harmonious complete.
This flowers basket is made from 19 multicolored freesias.
The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro help you to create a magic moment to your lovely person and send for you this flowers basket, by the wanted message and a sweet gift, in only 4 hours.
The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
362.00 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet de nuiele cu 17 trandafiri rosii, meniti sa aduca bucurie in suflet.
Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi.
Aranjamentul floral contine cosuletul, care poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
Copyright © 2012-2025 Flori in Galati-Braila.ro - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in Galati-Braila.ro.
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
created by: Creative-Design.ro