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Cafea from Flori in

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  • 1 Freesia 

    Market price 155.00 Lei
    Pret redus 145.00 Lei ( € 29.72 )
    Buy from our local online florist, Flowers in a spring flower - one freesia- who can match with the bride bouquet. These floral arrangement should be ordered to at least 2 weeks before.
  • Costa Medium Roast coffee beans 500 g 

    Market price 85.00 Lei
    Pret redus 80.00 Lei ( € 16.40 )
    Obtained since 1971, Costa coffee beans incorporate in a perfect balance the aroma of fresh coffee with notes of nuts and caramel. The beans are roasted at a medium level so as not to lose the specific flavors of these special beans.
    For the perfection of the coffee, it is recommended to drink it together with coffee biscuits.
    Intensity: 8/10.
    Quantity: 500 g.
  • 11 Gerberas 

    Market price 95.00 Lei
    Pret redus 90.00 Lei ( € 18.45 )
    The flowers bouquet is made from 11 coloured gerberas, covered by the decorative leafage.
    Send this gerberas bouquet to your closed person with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
  • Cafea boabe Doncafe Cremoso 1 Kg 

    Market price 180.00 Lei
    Pret redus 150.00 Lei ( € 30.75 )

    Doncafe Espresso, cafea boabe din boabe prajite lent, medium roast (medie) tipica pentru espresso, avand o culoare aramie, cu o aroma puternica.

    Potrivita pentru consumatorii ce isi prepara cafeaua la masini tip espressor automat sau isi rasnesc acasa cafeaua boabe, pentru a experimenta o cafea cu adevarat proaspata.


    Aduce tot ce are mai bun cafeaua din America de Sud si Centrala, Asia si Africa. Un amestec de soiuri de cafea predominant Arabica si desavarsite cu un strop de Robusta , pentru un espresso dens si o crema bogata.

  • 17 Callas 

    Market price 185.00 Lei
    Pret redus 162.00 Lei ( € 33.21 )
    The calla is an elegant, mysterious and delicate flower, which confer mystery and oneness to the flowers bouquet.
    This flowers bouquet is made from 17 callas nice arranged to bring joy in the lovely person's life. Send this gorgeous callas bouquet to your lovely person through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in to create an unforgettable moment.

    The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
  • Cafea boabe Julius Meinl 1 Kg 

    190.00 Lei ( € 38.95 )
    Cafeaua boabe Julius Meinl pastreaza traditia marelui producator austriac cu acelasi nume. Este o cafea de calitate superioara, fiind culese boabele perfecte. Prajirea este slaba spre medie pentru a pastra aromele deosebite ale boabelor de cafea. O combinatie de boabe selectate din America de Sud, America Centrala si Asia - un amestec intens, atat in aroma, cat si gust. Gustul persistent aminteste de ciocolata neagra si cacao.
    Pentru o cafea perfecta, este recomandata prepararea la espressor.
    Intensitate: 5/10.
    Cantitate: 1 Kg.
  • Cafea boabe Lavazza 1 Kg 

    Market price 150.00 Lei
    Pret redus 140.00 Lei ( € 28.70 )
    Cafeaua boabe Lavazza de calitate superioara, amestec de arabica si robusta, este produsa dupa cele mai riguroase standarde italiene. Boabele prajite mediu pastreaza atat aroma, cat si taria unei cafele gustoase si cremoase. Este recomandata tuturor iubitorilor de cafea.
    Intensitate: 8/10.
    Cantitate: 1 Kg.
  • 1 Red Rose 

    Market price 95.00 Lei
    Pret redus 90.00 Lei ( € 18.45 )
    Buy from our local online florist, Flowers in 1 red rose which can match with the bride bouquet. These floral arrangement should be ordered with at least 2 weeks before.
  • 11 Roses 

    Market price 55.00 Lei
    Pret redus 50.00 Lei ( € 10.25 )
    11 roses arranged with elegance, will bring you more happiness.
    Make a nice surprise to your lovely person and send this beautiful red roses bouquet, with our online florist from Galati,
    Flowers in Galati-Braila delivers your flowers in the same day.

  • Cafea macinata Illy Blend Filtro 100% Arabica 250 g 

    Market price 90.00 Lei
    Pret redus 85.00 Lei ( € 17.43 )
    Medium roast (prajire medie), echilibru intre intensitate si delicatete, cafeaua Illy lasa loc aromelor de ciocolata, paine prajita, caramel si aroma usoara de flori.
    Cutia din metal, argintie, eleganta, permite protejarea si pastrarea nealterata a amestecului de cafea. Datorita sistemului inventat si patentat, Illy extrage aerul din ambalaj, inlocuindu-l cu un gaz inert, presurizat.
    Aceasta metoda garanteaza un timp foarte mare de conservare, asigurand prospetimea cafelei pentru cel putin 25 de luni.
    Intensitate: 5/10.
    Cantitate: 250 g.
  • Cafea macinata Jacobs Decofeinizata 250 gr 

    55.00 Lei ( € 11.27 )
    Cafea macinata decafeinizata Jacobs Kronung Alintaroma, 250 g pentru iubitorii de cafea, insa fara cofeina.

    Comanda acum de la floraria Flori in
  • 49 Roses 

    Market price 60.00 Lei
    Pret redus 55.00 Lei ( € 11.27 )
    Say Happy Birthday! to your lovely person, with a flowers bouquet and a sweet gift from the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
    The flowers bouquet is made from 49 red roses ready to say Happy Birthday! and to bring you the smile on your lips.
    The roses are the most loved flowers because of their delicacy and in the same time their imposing and different colors and their resistance.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in delivers flowers bouquet to your residence in only 4 hours.
  • 47 Roses 

    Market price 38.00 Lei
    Pret redus 35.00 Lei ( € 7.17 )
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in offers you this gorgeous red roses bouquet, special created for you to bring happiness in your lovely person heart and to say Happy Birthday!
    The flowers bouquet contains 47 roses, one rose to every year spent with your lovely persons.
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends this red roses bouquet for you in only 4 hours.
  • 45 Roses 

    Market price 45.00 Lei
    Pret redus 40.00 Lei ( € 8.20 )
    The flowers bouquet contains 45 roses, one rose to every year spent with your lovely persons.
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends this red roses bouquet for you in only 4 hours.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in offers you this gorgeous red roses bouquet, special created for you to bring happiness in your lovely person heart and to say Happy Birthday!.
  • Cafea macinata Tchibo Exclusive Intense 250 g 

    Market price 32.00 Lei
    Pret redus 30.00 Lei ( € 6.15 )
    Cafea fina si armonioasa. Rasfata-te pe tine si pe cei dragi cu gustul rafinat al cafelei Tchibo Exclusive - o experienta unica. Aroma sa delicata si gustul armonios transforma fiecare ceasca de cafea intr-o adevarata delectare. Pentru a crea acest amestec deosebit, expertii Tchibo aleg cu grija cele mai bune boabede cafea Arabica si le completeaza cu boabe Robusta, cu un corp plin. Fiecare varietate de cafea este prajita separat, scotand in evidenta aromele distincte, pentru momentele in care te bucuri de cafeaua ta preferata Tchibo Exclusive.
    Intensitate: 6/10.
    Cantitate: 250 g.
  • 17 Callas 

    Market price 85.00 Lei
    Pret redus 80.00 Lei ( € 16.40 )
    The calla is an elegant, mysterious and delicate flower, which confer mystery and oneness to the flowers bouquet.
    This flowers bouquet is made from 17 callas nice arranged to bring joy in the lovely person's life. Send this gorgeous callas bouquet to your lovely person through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in to create an unforgettable moment.

    The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
Copyright © 2012-2024 Flori in - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
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Acasa la Flori in Galati-Braila. Livrare de flori la domiciliu in Galati si Braila