509.00 Lei ( €
Aspiri la o iubire imposibila? In mitologia chineza trandafirul albastru reprezinta speranta in cazul unei iubiri imposibile.
Asadar, trimite-i acest mesaj subtil prin intermediul unui buchet inedit!
Iar daca iubirea voastra este cat se poate de reala si posibila, surprinde-o cu un buchet de trandafiri altfel!
228.00 Lei ( €
2 in 1 este un buchet cu doua tipuri de flori (patru trandafiri si cinci lisianthus) de o singura culoare (alb); verdele intens si proaspat al frunzulitelor decorative scoate in evidenta albul specific celor doua tipuri de flori elegante.
Prin faptul ca exprima puritatea, inocenta, acest buchet este potrivit spre a fi oferit mamelor, fiicelor, surorilor si, de ce nu, sefelor.
133.50 Lei ( €
The flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Galati, floriingalati-braila.ro, is made from 5 red roses.
Send this roses bouquet to your lovely person, to make a happinesswith the online florist from Galati, floriingalati-braila.ro.
224.50 Lei ( €
O vaza cu 9 trandafiri proaspeti si albi ca zapada, care cu siguranta o vor binedispune pe persoana careia ii sunt daruiti.
Floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro iti
ofera posibilitatea de a face o surpriza placuta realizand si livrand pentru
tine acest superb aranjament.
Livrarea se poate face chiar si in 4 ore de la comanda.
Vaza poate sa difere in functie de stocul existent.
139.00 Lei ( €
The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - named The Flamingo Bird because of the shape and the color which looks like The Flamingo Bird.
Most of the plant has red flowers, but there are pink, white and orange flowers.
The Anthurium is a tropical perennial plant who's growing is in shrub shape from 70 - 80 cm.
The anthurium flowers are little, fleshy, arranged in ear, white, red or yellow colored. These inflorescence is protect by a modified leafage colored in red, pink, white very decorative.
Make a nice surprise to your lovely person an send these beautiful plant trough our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
Anthurium Plant is offer you in a ceramic flower-pot.
Care way oft the Anthurium in flower-pot:
Location of the Anthurium: The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - didn't like direct sun shine, even she needs light, the light must be indirect or filtered.
In the winter the Anthurium flower-pot may be sit on the ledge, the received light in the cold period help the plant to produce constantly flowers.
Temperature of the Anthurium: Anthurium in flower-pot loves the warm temperature, he needs 25 degrees Celsius in air and soil.
Water of the Anthurium: In the summer the plant need fresh air by ventilation of the room, but without air currents; also the plant needs a high humidity in atmosphere (permanently spraying with water to the plant).
The water should be maintained to the room temperature.
The soil of the plant should be moderate wet.
The soil of the Anthurium: The plant needs an acid, spongy nourishing soil (a composition of red fibrous peat, leafage soil, sand).
From april to october is indicate to add a fertilizer for the acidophil plant, you will observe a lot of flowers and leafage.
112.00 Lei ( €
Trimite un aranjament de Craciun ce cu siguranta se va distinge intre toate celelalte! Realizat in culorile roz si alb, culori moderne in domeniul aranjamentelor de Craciun, va face senzatie!
Flori in Galati-Braila.ro este alaturi de tine
si te ajuta sa le transmiti celor dragi gandurile tale bune.
Aranjamentul este realizat cu brad, in burete. In centrul sau se afla o lumanare alba si 3 trandafiri roz. Tabloul este completat de decoratiuni specifice de Craciun in nuante de roz si alb, care pot diferi de cele din fotografie, in functie de stocul disponibil.
241.00 Lei ( €
Strelitia sau Floarea Pasarea Paradisului este o planta deosebita si rara, care
simbolizeaza echilibrul dintre spirit si sentimente, frumusete si
maretie. Alaturi de orhidee, care simbolizeaza pretuirea, alcatuieste cel mai potrivit aranjament pentru a fi daruit unei persoane pe care o admiri. Transmite sentimentele tale printr-un aranjament floral ce va impresiona atat prin florile ce il alcatuiesc, cat si prin semnificatia acestora! Flori in Galati-Braila.ro livreaza pentru tine acest aranjament oriunde in Galati si Braila. Aranjamentul va fi realizat intr-un vas de ceramica.
Acest aranjament trebuie in mod obisnuit comandat cu 7-10 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru verificarea disponibilitatii chiar daca il doresti intr-un interval de timp mai scurt.
234.00 Lei ( €
The flowers bouquet "Chic bouquet" is made from 6 red roses and 3 orange gerbera; the flowers are beautiful arranged and colored in spring colors.
This roses and gerbera bouquet will be mettlesome you with his naturalness, simplicity and in the same time with his grandeur.
The flowers bouquet is perfect to create a happiness moment to your lovely person; the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro is by your side and helps you to create a pleasant moment; we send for you this "chic bouquet".
Flowers in Timisoara sends flowers to your residence in only 4 hours.
159.50 Lei ( €
Buchetul de flori este format din 7 trandafiri rosii si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest buchet cu trandafiri rosii persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online din Galati, Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
227.50 Lei ( €
Acest frumos buchet de flori este alcatuit din 7 trandafiri galbeni si 2 crini, precum si frunzulite decorative, pentru un plus de culoare si eleganta.
Trimite acest buchet de trandafiri si crini persoanei dragi, prin intermediul florariei online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro
200.00 Lei ( €
Un delicat buchet din 15 frezii colorate si jucause. Trimite-le persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro si in mod sigur primavara va incepe bine.
298.00 Lei ( €
Un superb buchet de flori elegant format din 11 trandafiri rosii frumos legati cu o fundita rosie.
Trimite acest frumos buchet de trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Vaza poate sa difere in functie de stocul existent.
205.00 Lei ( €
Elegant si vioi acest buchet de flori este menit sa va aduca bucurie in casa. Buchetul de flori este format din 6 trandafiri roz si 1 crin, precum si din frunzulite decorative.
Trimite acest buchet de crini si trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati si in Braila, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare; buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
206.00 Lei ( €
Send this vivid colored gerbera bouquet by the wanted message, a plush toy and a sweet gift, to your lovely person, through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
This flowers bouquet is made from 19 gerbera (pink gerbera, red gerbera, yellow gerbera and orange gerbera) destined to bring smile on your lips.
179.00 Lei ( €
Delicate and elegant, the tulips make an elegant and delicate bouquet, create special for your lovely persons.
This flowers bouquet is made from 13 tulips in different colors:yellow tulips,red tulips, pink tulips and white tulips.
The colors combination take our thought to the spring season, when the nature weak up to life, when the beautiful are well joined with the floral perfume.
Send this gorgeous colored tulips bouquet to your lovely person, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
By the tulips bouquet you can also send a plush toy or a sweet gift and transmit your message.
272.00 Lei ( €
One pink and green combination, spring colors in one single flowers bouquet "Imposing Bouquet".
The flowers bouquet "Imposing Bouquet" is made from 6 pink roses and 3 pink lilies, for a plus of grandeur.
To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro is by your side and sends for you this beautiful flowers bouquet.
225.50 Lei ( €
Acest superb buchet de flori este format din 6 trandafiri de diferite culori si 5 gerbere.
Trimite acest buchet de trandafiri si gerbere persoanei dragi pe nume Mihaela, pentru o surpriza de neuitat, prin intermediul florariei online din Galati, floriingalati-braila.ro. Livrarea se face in aceeasi zi, aproximativ 4 ore de la comanda.
Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
Market price 269.00 Lei
Pret redus 245.00 Lei ( €
This vibrant bouquet of 15 multicolored chrysanthemums brings an explosion of color and freshness. With flowers in shades of green, yellow, red and white, this arrangement is perfect for bringing joy and brightness to any room. Whether it is offered on the occasion of a name day, anniversaries or just to brighten someone's day, our bouquet of chrysanthemums is the ideal choice to convey the most beautiful thoughts.
718.00 Lei ( €
Simplu si direct! Trimite-i un buchet superb din 35 de trandafiri rosii printre care se zaresc delicatele floricele albe si cu siguranta va intelege mesajul tau!
Intr-o zi speciala sau intr-o zi obisnuita, surprinde-o cu acest buchet de flori deosebit!
Livrare in 2-4 ore de la comanda.
396.50 Lei ( €
Un buchet superb, in culorile toamnei.
Incanta pe cineva drag cu un buchet format din 12 trandafiri si 5 crizanteme in culori de toamna: rosu, portocaliu, galben, somon! Buchetul va fi asortat cu verdeata decorativa potrivita cu tematica de toamna.
258.50 Lei ( €
Buchetul de flori este alcatuit din 11 trandafiri roz si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest frumos buchet de trandafiri persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online Flori in Galati si in Braila.ro
143.00 Lei ( €
Alstroemeria este o floare cu un colorit spectaculos. Seamana cu
un crin in miniatura, de altfel se mai numeste si "crin peruan", si este un simbol al prieteniei si devotamentului.
Buchetul Prieteniei este alcatuit din 9 fire de alstroemeria roz/mov si/sau albe.
Impreuna cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro poti face o
surpriza placuta, o bucurie, prietenilor, colegilor sau chiar sefilor. Trimite acest buchet de
flori insotit de un mesaj si de un cadou dulce sau o sticla de vin.
143.00 Lei ( €
The flowers bouquet represent a gorgeous color combination, between leafage green and petals pink of the tulips which are growing through the leafage...this 11 tulips bouquet will bring to you just happiness.
The joy and the delicacy of the tulips will be certainly send to your lovely person.
Make a nice surprise to your lovely person an send her this gorgeous flowers bouquet through our online florist from Timisoara, Flower in Timisoara.ro.
896.00 Lei ( €
This striking bouquet of 19 white roses and 20 blue roses combines the purity and calm of white with the depth and mystery of blue. It's a perfect choice for expressing feelings of admiration, respect, and affection, offering a memorable and distinctive gift for special occasions or to bring a touch of refinement to the lives of your loved ones.
Considering that the blue roses have a
special character, to ensure their availability, please order the
"elegant Pura" bouquet AT LEAST 7 DAYS before the delivery date.
Thank you for understanding!
187.00 Lei ( €
An elegant table arrangement with roses and chrysanthemums. Order this floral arrangement through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
This floral arrangement must to be ordered with at least 24 hours before.
659.50 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet cu 31 trandafiri rosii, menit sa iti aduca zambetul pe buze si bucurie in casa.
Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu ajutorul florarie online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament, dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
516.50 Lei ( €
Un cos cu flori special, ce contine atat o planta de orhidee phalaenopsis, cat si flori taiate, aranjate in jurul ei, astfel incat, dupa ce florile taiate inevitabil se ofilesc in cateva zile, ramane orhideea la ghiveci.
Un aranjament bogat, impunator, ce cu siguranta satisface cele mai mari exigente.
Market price 175.00 Lei
Pret redus 165.00 Lei ( €
Esti departe de familie, dar vrei sa te simta aproape? Trimite-le cadou un Cos de Craciun! Foarte potrivit pentru rude, prieteni, cunostinte. Trimite un gand bun unor persoane dragi, alaturi de acest cos cu produse de Craciun! Cadoul contine: un cozonac de 450 g, o cutie de bomboane Kandia, o sticla de vin Beciul Domnesc, o felicitare de Craciun si un aranjament de Craciun cu brad natural.
Modelul cosului poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
411.00 Lei ( €
Cosuletul cu surprize perfect pentru a face o surpriza placuta persoanei dragi, contine 13 trandafiri rosii dispusi in sirag de margele de-a lungul marginii cosuletului, iar in mijloc - surpriza consta din bomboane de ciocolata presarate printre floricele decorative.
Bomboanele si cosuletul pot diferi in functie de stocul disponibil.
387.00 Lei ( €
White spots are growing up through the leafage natural green, and through the decorative white little flowers - the white roses, realize a splendor, a marvelous basket, which cannot be missed up.
The flowers basket is made from 19 white roses, which are waiting excited to tell you Happy Birthday or to make you a happiness.
Send this gorgeous white roses basket to your lovely person, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro and certainly the surprise will be nice.
By the flowers basket the online florist, Flowers in Timisoara can transmit a message for you and send a sweet gift to your lovely person.
The basket can differ in accordance with the stock.
212.00 Lei ( €
Cosulet de flori in care predomina culori roz si verde, este format din 7 trandafiri roz si floricele decorative.
Trimite acest cosulet de fori persoanelor dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, si ai livrare in aceeasi zi.
293.50 Lei ( €
11 Trandafiri galbeni alaturi de frunzulite decorative realizeaza un superb cosulet de flori, menit sa aduca bucurie persoanei care il primeste. Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in 4 ore de la comanda.
Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
338.00 Lei ( €
Un superb cosulet cu 15 trandafiri rosii, menit sa iti aduca zambetul pe buze si bucurie in casa.
Trimite acest cosulet cu trandafiri persoanei dragi cu ajutorul florarie online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro.
Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament, dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
384.70 Lei ( €
"Cu adevarat special" a fost creat pentru o persoana speciala in viata ta. Daruieste acest aranjament deosebit unei persoane speciale pentru tine, oricare ar fi aceasta!
Aranjamentul este realizat intr-o cutie tip carte, dintr-o combinatie de hortensii, trandafiri, eustoma si orhidee.
In mod obisnuit, acest aranjament floral trebuie comandat cu aproximativ
7 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru a
verifica disponibilitatea sa chiar daca timpul pana la data la care
doresti livrarea este mai scurt.
Dimesiunea cutiei goale este aproximativ 25 cm* 18 cm*6 cm.
393.50 Lei ( €
31 de Frezii colorate in culori vii si jucause de primavara. Trimite acest buchet persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro si in mod sigur va fi un inceput bun de primavara.
Vaza NU este inclusa in aranjament.
356.80 Lei ( €
Vrei un cadou care sa impresioneze? Aceasta cutie cu flori este ideala chiar si pentru cea mai pretentioasa persoana! Trandafirii, alstroemeria si cupele de orhidee, impreuna cu mici detalii decorative se imbina armonios formand un aranjament floral deosebit, ce cu siguranta va ramane mult timp intiparit in memoria persoanei care il va primi.
Cutia in care se realizeaza aranjamentul este de calitate, eleganta. Diametrul aranjamentului este de 15-20 cm.
375.50 Lei ( €
Un aranjament special, pentru o persoana speciala! 12 trandafiri roz pal delicati si 5 cupe de orhidee phalaenopsis, inca si mai delicate, printre fire de eucalipt si feriga, frumos aranjate in burete floral, intr-o cutie bej ce completeaza perfect aranjamentul.
Atunci cand detaliile conteaza!
396.00 Lei ( €
This harmonious bouquet combines the refinement of white roses with the vibrant energy of orange ones, creating a delicate and lively contrast. Accented with fresh greenery, the "Elegance" bouquet is perfect for conveying feelings of appreciation, joy, and balance. An ideal gift for special moments or to bring a touch of color and elegance into the lives of your loved ones.
Market price 550.00 Lei
Pret redus 510.00 Lei ( €
Discover refinement and elegance in a unique bouquet specially crafted for unforgettable moments. The "Pure Elegance" bouquet harmoniously combines white roses, symbols of purity and sincere love, with delicate white hydrangeas, creamy eustoma adding a touch of sophistication, and white anastasia for a splash of freshness and perfect elegance. This floral arrangement is perfect for expressing the purest feelings and noblest intentions, bringing a touch of distinction to any occasion.
Order now, and Flori in Galati-Braila.ro will deliver for you safely and on time.
Considering the special nature of hydrangeas, to ensure their availability, please order the "Pure Elegance" bouquet at LEAST 7 DAYS before the delivery date. Thank you for your understanding!
878.00 Lei ( €
Enjoy the pure beauty and delicate elegance of the "Dawn Elegance" bouquet. This impressive floral arrangement brings together 20 white roses, symbols of purity and elegance, along with 20 pink and purple chrysanthemums, which add a touch of tenderness and vitality. The orchid cups bring an exotic and refined air, perfectly completing this dreamy floral picture. The delicate greenery adds a subtle contrast and highlights each flower, creating a harmonious and glamorous arrangement.
This bouquet is ideal for special occasions, anniversaries, weddings or to bring a smile to the face of your loved ones, conveying the warmest feelings and deep appreciation. "Dawn Elegance" is more than a simple bouquet, it is a declaration of love and admiration, a perfect gift to celebrate unforgettable moments.
182.00 Lei ( €
Send this gorgeous 15 tulips bouquet to your lovely person through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The tulips bouquet brings you light and happiness in your lovely person's life.
This beautiful bouquet is a gorgeous color combination, between green of the leafage and tulips petals yellow.
348.00 Lei ( €
Un aranjament floral deosebit!
Strelitia sau Floarea Pasarea Paradisului este o planta deosebita si rara, care simbolizeaza echilibrul dintre spirit si sentimente, frumusete si maretie. Alaturi de orhidee, care simbolizeaza pretuirea, alcatuieste cel mai potrivit aranjament pentru a fi daruit unei persoane pe care o admiri. Transmite sentimentele tale printr-un aranjament floral ce va impresiona atat prin florile ce il alcatuiesc, cat si prin semnificatia acestora! Flori in Galati-Braila.ro livreaza pentru tine acest aranjament oriunde in Galati si Braila.
Acest aranjament trebuie in mod obisnuit comandat cu 7-10 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru verificarea disponibilitatii chiar daca il doresti intr-un interval de timp mai scurt.
284.00 Lei ( €
Un superb buchet de flori, pastelat, format din 7 trandafiri albi si 8 frezii colorate mov, ornat cu frunzulite decorative. Trimite buchetul de frezii si trandafiri persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati-Braila.ro, iar livrarea va fi facuta in aceeasi zi de la comanda. Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul nu contine vaza.
387.50 Lei ( €
Un buchet deosebit, in nuante de portocaliu, galben, rosu. Este alcatuit din 17 fire de floare: trandafiri, amarillys, gerbere, frezii, imbinate armonios cu verdeata.
Important: Acest buchet trebuie in mod normal comandat cu 7-10 zile inainte de data livrarii, insa iti stam la dispozitie pentru a verifica disponibilitatea florilor chiar daca termenul in care doresti livrarea este mai scurt. Pentru a asigura flori proaspete, freziile pot fi inlocuite cu alstroemeria.
Market price 247.00 Lei
Pret redus 207.00 Lei ( €
Delicate and elegant, the tulips make an elegant and delicate bouquet, create special for your lovely persons.
This flowers bouquet is made from 23 tulips in different colors:yellow tulips, red tulips, pink tulips and white tulips.
The colors combination take our thought to the spring season, when the nature weak up to life, when the beautiful are well joined with the floral perfume.
Send this gorgeous colored tulips bouquet to your lovely person, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
By the tulips bouquet you can also send a plush toy or a sweet gift and transmit your message.
The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
236.00 Lei ( €
Send to your lovely person this beautiful pink tulips bouquet trough our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro.
The tulips are the most lovely spring flowers, because of their beauty, delicacy and their variates colors and their mystery that the tulips confer to the flowers bouquet.
This flowers bouquet contain 21 pink tulips covered by the spring green of the leafage.
171.50 Lei ( €
To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro sends for you this gorgeous yellow roses bouquet.
The flowers bouquet is made from 7 yellow roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.
171.50 Lei ( €
To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in Timisoara.ro sends for you this gorgeous red roses bouquet.
The flowers bouquet is made from 7 red roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.
Copyright © 2012-2025 Flori in Galati-Braila.ro - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in Galati-Braila.ro.
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
created by: Creative-Design.ro