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Carnation from Flori in

Sub 100 Lei Intre 101 si 200 lei
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  • 41 de garoafe rosii 

    274.00 Lei ( € 56.17 )
    Un buchet elegant din garoafe rosii, ideal pentru a celebra aniversarea unei frumoase varste.
  • Buchet cu trandafiri, matthiola si garoafe 

    378.00 Lei ( € 77.49 )
    Garoafele sunt mai putin apreciate in tara noastra, dar cu siguranta acest buchet le pune in valoare. Surprinde pe cineva drag cu un buchet de flori altfel! Un buchet deosebit, ce imbina armonios trei tipuri de flori de culori diferite si incanta simturile! Buchetul este alcatuit din 15 garoafe roz, 9 trandafiri rosii si 5 matthiola mov/lila, asortate cu verdeata.
    Important: in mod obisnuit acest buchet de flori trebuie comandat cu minim 7 zile lucratoare inainte de data livrarii. Daca totusi doresti livrare intr-un timp mai scurt, iti stam la dispozitie pentru verificarea disponibilitatii sale.
  • Red Carnations 

    110.00 Lei ( € 22.55 )
    The flowers allow us to express our feelings; the carnations express faithfulness without ending...
    The flowers bouquet represent a beautiful color combination between leafage green and carnations red...the 15 carnations bring always happiness, glamour.
    The carnations happiness and delicacy will be certainly sent to the person that will be take it.
    The online florist from Galati, help you to create a special moment to your lovely person and send this gorgeous carnations bouquet by one message and a sweet gift.
  • Christmas Flowers 

    220.50 Lei ( € 45.20 )
    This gorgeous flowers bouquet is made from 7 carnations and 6 red roses, nice arranged with christmas globes and decorative leafage.
    The beautiful bouquet brings Christmas closer to you.

    The image is with presentation title and doesn't contain the vase.
  • Carnations in colors 

    167.00 Lei ( € 34.23 )
    One bouquet made from 25 pink and white carnations, always a pleasure.
    Send this gorgeous carnations bouquet to your lovely person through our local online florist from Galati,
  • Stare de bine 

    195.00 Lei ( € 39.97 )
    Un buchet vesel si parfumat format din 25 de garoafe multicolore, ce cu siguranta va aduce o stare de bine persoanei care il va primi.
    Prima florarie online locala din Galati livreaza pentru tine acest buchet impreuna cu gandurile tale bune!
Copyright © 2012-2024 Flori in - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
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Acasa la Flori in Galati-Braila. Livrare de flori la domiciliu in Galati si Braila