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101 - 200 Lei

101 - 200 Lei from Flori in

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  • 5 White Roses 

    133.50 Lei ( € 27.37 )
    The flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Galati,, is made from 5 white roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to your lovely person, to make a happiness with the online florist Galati,
  • 5 Red Roses 

    133.50 Lei ( € 27.37 )
    The flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Galati,, is made from 5 red roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to your lovely person, to make a happinesswith the online florist from Galati,
  • 5 Roses 

    133.50 Lei ( € 27.37 )
    The flowers bouquet "5 Roses" is destined to bring you happiness and relaxation in your life.
    This gorgeous flowers bouquet is made from 5 white roses and covered by the leafage green.
    The flowers always were a happiness, love and harmony occasion; the white roses means purity.
    To realize one unforgettable moment to your lovely person, the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in is by your side and sends to residence this tender roses bouquet by your wanted message and a sweet gift in only 4 hours.
  • 5 Pink Roses 

    133.50 Lei ( € 27.37 )
    The flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, is made from 5 pink roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to make a happiness to your lovely person with the online florist Flowers in
  • 7 Red Roses 

    150.50 Lei ( € 30.85 )
    One flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, made from 7 red roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to make a happiness to your lovely person with the online florist Flowers in
  • 7 Pink Roses 

    150.50 Lei ( € 30.85 )
    One flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, made from 7 pink roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to make a happiness to your lovely person with the online florist Flowers in
  • 7 Roses and 1 Teddy Bear 

    198.90 Lei ( € 40.77 )
    The roses are the most lovely flowers, because are beautiful, delicate, in different colors and adequate to any occasion.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 red roses and one 20 cm Teddy Bear.
    This flowers bouquet is perfect for a Christmas gift and to meet a baby birth.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in is by your side in the most important moment from your life and sends for you, to your lovely person, this nice and delicate roses bouquet.

  • 9 Trandafiri albi 

    199.00 Lei ( € 40.79 )
    Buchetul de flori contine 9 trandafiri albi potriviti pentru orice moment de bucurie.
    Pentru o surpriza de neuitat floraria online Flori in Galati si in trimite pentru tine acest buchet de trandafiri persoanei dragi, in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
  • Anthurium in Flower-pot 

    139.00 Lei ( € 28.49 )
    The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - named The Flamingo Bird because of the shape and the color which looks like The Flamingo Bird.
    Most of the plant has red flowers, but there are pink, white and orange flowers.
    The Anthurium is a tropical perennial plant who's growing is in shrub shape from 70 - 80 cm.
    The anthurium flowers are little, fleshy, arranged in ear, white, red or yellow colored. These inflorescence is protect by a modified leafage colored in red, pink, white very decorative.
    Make a nice surprise to your lovely person an send these beautiful plant trough our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    Anthurium Plant is offer you in a ceramic flower-pot.

    Care way oft the Anthurium in flower-pot:

    Location of the Anthurium: The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - didn't like direct sun shine, even she needs light, the light must be indirect or filtered.
    In the winter the Anthurium flower-pot may be sit on the ledge, the received light in the cold period help the plant to produce constantly flowers.

    Temperature of the Anthurium: Anthurium in flower-pot loves the warm temperature, he needs 25 degrees Celsius in air and soil.

    Water of the Anthurium: In the summer the plant need fresh air by ventilation of the room, but without air currents; also the plant needs a high humidity in atmosphere (permanently spraying with water to the plant).
    The water should be maintained to the room temperature.
    The soil of the plant should be moderate wet.

    The soil of the Anthurium: The plant needs an acid, spongy nourishing soil (a composition of red fibrous peat, leafage soil, sand).
    From april to october is indicate to add a fertilizer for the acidophil plant, you will observe a lot of flowers and leafage.
  • Aranjament de Craciun cu roz si alb 

    112.00 Lei ( € 22.96 )

    Trimite un aranjament de Craciun ce cu siguranta se va distinge intre toate celelalte! Realizat in culorile roz si alb, culori moderne in domeniul aranjamentelor de Craciun, va face senzatie!

    Flori in este alaturi de tine si te ajuta sa le transmiti celor dragi gandurile tale bune.
    Aranjamentul este realizat cu brad, in burete. In centrul sau se afla o lumanare alba si 3 trandafiri roz. Tabloul este completat de decoratiuni specifice de Craciun in nuante de roz si alb, care pot diferi de cele din fotografie, in functie de stocul disponibil.

  • Aranjament Delicat de Lalele 

    170.00 Lei ( € 34.85 )
    Un aranjament floral de efect, in vaza, format din 15 lalele galbene, pentru a intampina primavara cum se cuvine.
    Trimite acest buchet de lalele persoanei dragi si cu siguranta va fi o surpriza de neuitat.
  • Buchet cu 7 Trandafiri Rosii 

    159.50 Lei ( € 32.70 )
    Buchetul de flori este format din 7 trandafiri rosii si floricele decorative.
    Trimite acest buchet cu trandafiri rosii persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online din Galati, Flori in Galati si in, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
  • Buchet cu Frezii 

    200.00 Lei ( € 41.00 )
    Un delicat buchet din 15 frezii colorate si jucause. Trimite-le persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in si in mod sigur primavara va incepe bine.

  • Tulips Bouquet 

    179.00 Lei ( € 36.70 )
    Delicate and elegant, the tulips make an elegant and delicate bouquet, create special for your lovely persons.
    This flowers bouquet is made from 13 tulips in different colors:yellow tulips,red tulips, pink tulips and white tulips.
    The colors combination take our thought to the spring season, when the nature weak up to life, when the beautiful are well joined with the floral perfume.
    Send this gorgeous colored tulips bouquet to your lovely person, with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
    By the tulips bouquet you can also send a plush toy or a sweet gift and transmit your message.

  • Buchet Elena 

    182.00 Lei ( € 37.31 )
    Trimite-i sarbatoritei tale un buchet care ii poarta numele si-i vei face o surpriza de neuitat! Un buchet vesel, in nuante de roz si alb, perfect pentru a ura tot ce-i mai frumos unei persoane speciale din viata ta. Trimite acest buchet cu Flori in si va ajunge la destinatie in maxim 3-4 ore de la confirmarea platii. Poti atasa buchetului si un tort, o cutie de bomboane sau o sticla de sampanie din sectiunea "Cadouri".
    Buchetul contine 4 gerbera/minigerbera, 5 crizanteme si 4 alstroemeria.
     Nuantele florilor pot diferi fata de fotografia de prezentare, in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Buchetul Prieteniei 

    143.00 Lei ( € 29.31 )
    Alstroemeria este o floare cu un colorit spectaculos. Seamana cu un crin in miniatura, de altfel se mai numeste si "crin peruan", si este un simbol al prieteniei si devotamentului.
    Buchetul Prieteniei este alcatuit din 9 fire de alstroemeria roz/mov si/sau albe.
    Impreuna cu floraria online Flori in poti face o surpriza placuta, o bucurie, prietenilor, colegilor sau chiar sefilor. Trimite acest buchet de flori insotit de un mesaj si de un cadou dulce sau o sticla de vin.
  • Tulips Joy 

    143.00 Lei ( € 29.31 )
    The flowers bouquet represent a gorgeous color combination, between leafage green and petals pink of the tulips which are growing through the leafage...this 11 tulips bouquet will bring to you just happiness.
    The joy and the delicacy of the tulips will be certainly send to your lovely person.
    Make a nice surprise to your lovely person an send her this gorgeous flowers bouquet through our online florist from Timisoara, Flower in

  • You choose 

    0.00 Lei ( € 0.00 )
    Contact us if you have an idea of a special gift!
  • Coffee beans Costa Cafe Crema Blend 1 Kg 

    Market price 155.00 Lei
    Pret redus 145.00 Lei ( € 29.72 )
    Obtained since 1971, Costa coffee beans incorporate in a perfect balance the aroma of fresh coffee with notes of chocolate and caramel. The beans are roasted at an intense level to bring out the strength of the coffee. The perfect combination of Robusta and Arabica beans results in a creamy and, at the same time, aromatic coffee.

    Perfect for any start of the day!

    Intensity: 9/10.
    Quantity: 1 Kg.
  • Coffee beans Doncafe Cremoso 1 Kg 

    Market price 180.00 Lei
    Pret redus 150.00 Lei ( € 30.75 )
    Doncafe Cremoso, coffee beans from slow roasted beans, medium roast (medium) typical for espresso, having a copper color, with a strong aroma.

    Suitable for consumers who prepare their coffee in automatic espresso machines or grind their coffee beans at home, to experience a truly fresh coffee.


    It brings the best coffee from South and Central America, Asia and Africa. A mixture of predominantly Arabica coffee varieties and perfected with a touch of Robusta, for a dense espresso and a rich cream.
  • Coffee beans Julius Meinl 1 Kg 

    190.00 Lei ( € 38.95 )
    Julius Meinl coffee beans keep the tradition of the great Austrian producer of the same name. It is a superior quality coffee, the perfect beans being picked. Roasting is low to medium to preserve the special aromas of the coffee beans. A combination of selected grains from South America, Central America and Asia - an intense mixture, both in aroma and taste. The persistent taste is reminiscent of dark chocolate and cocoa.
    For a perfect coffee, it is recommended to prepare it with an espresso machine.
    Intensity: 5/10.
    Quantity: 1 Kg.
  • Coffee beans Lavazza 1 Kg 

    Market price 150.00 Lei
    Pret redus 140.00 Lei ( € 28.70 )
    Lavazza coffee beans of superior quality, a mixture of arabica and robusta, are produced according to the most rigorous Italian standards. The medium-roasted beans preserve both the aroma and the strength of a tasty and creamy coffee. It is recommended to all coffee lovers.
    Intensity: 8/10.
    Quantity: 1 Kg.
  • Luxurious 

    183.00 Lei ( € 37.52 )
    An elegant table arrangement with roses and chrysanthemums. Order this floral arrangement through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    This floral arrangement must to be ordered with at least 24 hours before.
  • Luxurious 

    187.00 Lei ( € 38.34 )
    An elegant table arrangement with roses and chrysanthemums. Order this floral arrangement through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    This floral arrangement must to be ordered with at least 24 hours before.
  • Environmental Bouquet 

    Market price 190.00 Lei
    Pret redus 180.00 Lei ( € 36.90 )
    The flowers bouquet "Environmental Bouquet" is made from different peach color flowers, coated by the leafage's green.
    The flowers bouquet is perfect to give it as a present to the mothers, especially at 1 and 8 march.
    The dominant flowers of this flowers bouquet are: 3 roses and 8 daisies gerbera. The dominant color of those flowers is orange.
    Send this beautiful flowers bouquet to your lovely person with the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

  • Cos de Craciun Gold 

    Market price 175.00 Lei
    Pret redus 165.00 Lei ( € 33.82 )
    Esti departe de familie, dar vrei sa te simta aproape? Trimite-le cadou un Cos de Craciun! Foarte potrivit pentru rude, prieteni, cunostinte. Trimite un gand bun unor persoane dragi, alaturi de acest cos cu produse de Craciun! Cadoul contine: un cozonac de 450 g, o cutie de bomboane Kandia, o sticla de vin Beciul Domnesc, o felicitare de Craciun si un aranjament de Craciun cu brad natural.
    Modelul cosului poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cosulet cu crini 

    160.50 Lei ( € 32.90 )
    Un delicat cosulet cu 3 crini imperiali menit sa va aduca zambetul pe buze. Floraria online Flori in Galati si in, este alaturi de tine si trimite in numele tau buchetul de flori ales la domiciliul persoanei dragi, in aceeasi zi. Cosuletul de flori poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil. Crinii pot fi roz sau albi, in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cosulet cu Flori Galbene 

    179.50 Lei ( € 36.80 )
    In acest cosulet se regasesc 2 trandafiri galbeni, 3 gerbere galbene, 2 crizanteme galbene si floricele decorative.
    Trimite acest frumos cosulet cu trandafiri unei persoane dragi cu floraria online Flori in Galati si in, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Cosuletul este inclus in aranjament dar poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cosulet Multicolor 

    182.50 Lei ( € 37.41 )
    Nuantele variate de culori ale celor 15 minigerbere, ofera o nota vesela cosuletului de flori.
    Trimite acest jucaus cosulet cu gerbere persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Happy Basket 

    159.00 Lei ( € 32.59 )
    21 Gerbera in a little basket will bring happiness at any occasion.
    Send this beautiful"Happy Basket" by the wanted message and a sweet gift to your lovely person, through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
    The online florist, Flowers in Timisoara deliver fresh flowers to your residence in only 4 hours.

    The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
  • Cutie cu flori  

    169.00 Lei ( € 34.64 )
    O cutie cu un design deosebit, plina cu flori! Cu timpul, inevitabil, florile se vor ofili; in schimb cutia va ramane pentru totdeauna ca amintire. Flori in Galati-Braila iti ofera un aranjament inedit, vesel si practic: caseta ramane si poate ulterior adaposti bijuterii sau alte obiecte, dupa imaginatia si nevoile fiecaruia. Trimite cuiva drag un aranjament alcatuit din crizanteme, trandafiri si minigerbera in culori vesele. Cutia este disponibila in 3 marimi:
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mici este de aproximativ 23*16*5 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei medii este de aproximativ 25*18*6 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mari este de aproximativ 29*21*7 cm,
    Design-ul cutiei poate diferi in functie de stocul existent.
  • Yellow explosion 

    182.00 Lei ( € 37.31 )
    Send this gorgeous 15 tulips bouquet to your lovely person through our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
    The tulips bouquet brings you light and happiness in your lovely person's life.
    This beautiful bouquet is a gorgeous color combination, between green of the leafage and tulips petals yellow.

  • Carnations in colors 

    167.00 Lei ( € 34.23 )
    One bouquet made from 25 pink and white carnations, always a pleasure.
    Send this gorgeous carnations bouquet to your lovely person through our local online florist from Galati,
  • Gerbere de vis 

    138.00 Lei ( € 28.29 )
    Acest superb buchet de flori este alcatuit din 13 gerbere de diferite culori, alcatuind un buchet "de vis".
    Gerberele sunt niste flori foarte frumoase cu un impact deosebit datorita formei si culorii dar si foarte rezistente.
    Trimite acest superb buchet de gerbere persoanei dragi cu floraria online din Galati, Livrarea buchetului de flori se face in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
  • Gerbere si Jucarie de plus 

    136.90 Lei ( € 28.06 )
    11 Gerbere si o jucarie de plus de 20 cm pentru un moment de neuitat.
    Trimite acest buchet de flori alaturi de jucaria de plus persoanelor dragi cu floraria online din Galati,

    Jucaria de plus poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil, pastrandu-si insa dimensiunea.
    Buchetul de flori nu contine vaza; imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare.
  • Lumanare de botez alb-roz 

    220.00 Lei ( € 45.10 )
    Lumanare de botez pentru fetite cu trandafiri roz si crizanteme albe. 
    Acest aranjament din flori frumos colorate va crea cu siguranta o atmosfera placuta si vesela.
    Pentru o zi speciala, comandati aceasta lumanare pusa la dispozitie de Flori in Galati-Braila. 
    Lumanarea trebuie comandata cu cel putin 2 saptamani inainte.
  • Lumanare de botez cu Micky 

    130.00 Lei ( € 26.65 )
    Lumanare de botez personalizata cu numele copilului si data botezului, decorata cu Micky si voal.
    Lumanarea este moderna, stil grecesc.

    Acest produs trebuie comandat cu minim 7-10 zile lucratoare inainte de data evenimentului.
  • Lumanare de botez cu Minnie 

    130.00 Lei ( € 26.65 )
    Lumanare de botez personalizata cu numele copilului si data botezului, decorata cu Micky si voal.
    Lumanarea este moderna, stil grecesc.

    Acest produs trebuie comandat cu minim 7-10 zile lucratoare inainte de data evenimentului.
  • Lumanare de botez cu spice 

    110.00 Lei ( € 22.55 )
    Lumanare de botez deosebita, decorata cu 1 crizantema, eucalipt, spice si fluturas.
    Lumanarea este moderna, stil grecesc.

    Acest produs trebuie comandat cu minim 7-10 zile lucratoare inainte de data evenimentului.
  • Magia Craciunului 

    134.00 Lei ( € 27.47 )
    Un aranjament de Craciun din brad natural, decorat cu gust, ideal pentru a impodobi masa de Craciun sau coltul tau preferat.

    Decoratiunile din aranjamentul livrat pot diferi de cele din fotografia de prezentare, in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Grandeur 

    188.50 Lei ( € 38.64 )
    One 7 callas bouquet truly imposing, to a special person.
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person send this beautiful callas bouquet through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
  • Mini cutie cu cadouri delicioase 

    Market price 129.00 Lei
    Pret redus 119.00 Lei ( € 24.39 )
    O cutie cu bunatati, ideala de asortat cu un buchet de flori.
    Indulceste-i ziua cuiva drag cu acest dar, ce contine:
    1 sticla de sampanie Zarea- mini (200 ml);
    1 tableta de ciocolata Milka (100 g);
    1 cutie de trufe Belgian -  trufe de ciocolata (200 g);
    1 baton cu cocos invelit in ciocolata cu lapte Bounty (57 g);
    1 Baton Kinder (40 g)
    1 cutie de cadou din carton de calitate superioara ce poate fi folosita la depozitarea bijuteriilor sau a altor lucruri cu dimensiuni mici.
  • Don't forget me! - Yellow 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous yellow roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 yellow roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.
  • Don't forget me! - Red 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous red roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 red roses that will certainly bring to your lovely person a large smile and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet, you can also send a sweet gift, a plush toy or a message.

  • Don't forget me! - Pink 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous pink roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 pink roses that will certainly bring a large smile to your lovely person and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet you can also send a sweet gift or a message.

  • Primavara in casa ta  

    198.00 Lei ( € 40.59 )
    O cutie eleganta cu flori de primavara, ce va aduce miresmele si culorile primaverii in casa si sufletul celei ce o va primi. Eleganta, bun gust, rafinament!
  • Scena Nasterii Domnului 

    109.00 Lei ( € 22.34 )
    Un aranjament de Craciun in bol de sticla, ce ilustreaza scena Nasterii Domnului.
    Prezenta instalatiei cu lumina calda confera un farmec aparte aranjamentului, care este
    ideal pentru a impodobi un colt special din casa ta sau din casa cuiva drag.
    Pentru o surpriza placuta care sa incalzeasca inima unei persoane speciale, trimite acest aranjament prin floraria ta online, Flori in!
    Diametrul bolului este 14 cm.

  • Wine and champagne bottle accessories set 

    Market price 59.00 Lei
    Pret redus 49.00 Lei ( € 10.04 )
    A special set with accessories for wine and champagne bottles consisting of 5 high quality pieces arranged in an imitation fabric box. Send this gift to a loved one in your life now. Flowers in delivers for you on time in the counties of Galati, Braila and Tulcea.
Copyright © 2012-2025 Flori in - Send flowers in Galati and Braila counties, Romania with Flowers in
S.C. B.E.G. Distributie SRL este notificata ca operator de date cu caracter personal la ANSPDCP cu nr. 4595.
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Acasa la Flori in Galati-Braila. Livrare de flori la domiciliu in Galati si Braila