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Livrare de flori, buchete de flori, aranjamente florale, cadouri si felicitari lucrate manual in Galati si in Braila in 4 ore de la comanda ta.
  • Exotic Candle 

    55.00 Lei ( € 11.27 )
    The mixed flowers candle: orchids, lisianthus and roses will certainly create a nice and happy atmosphere. To a special day order this beautiful fresh flowers candle from the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in The candle must to be ordered with at least 24 hours before.
  • Eleganta zorilor 

    878.00 Lei ( € 179.99 )

    Bucurați-vă de frumusețea pură și eleganța delicată a buchetului ?Eleganța Zorilor?. Acest aranjament floral impresionant reunește 20 de trandafiri albi, simboluri ale purității și eleganței, alături de 20 de crizanteme roz și mov, care adaugă o notă de gingășie și vitalitate. Cupele de orhidee aduc un aer exotic și rafinat, complet?nd perfect acest tablou floral de vis. Verdeața delicată adaugă un contrast subtil și scoate ?n evidență fiecare floare, cre?nd un aranjament armonios și plin de farmec.

  • Praline asortate Lindt Lindor 200g 

    59.00 Lei ( € 12.09 )
    Praline delicioase Lindt Lindor 200 g.

    Comanda acum de la floraria Flori in si fa-le celor dragi o surpriza dulce!
  • Funeral Wreath in White 

    Market price 45.00 Lei
    Pret redus 39.00 Lei ( € 7.99 )
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in is by your side even in the hardest moments in life and send sympathy to the lovely person's family by the fresh flowers funeral wreath. To this funeral wreath made from white roses and white gerbera, the order must to be made with at least 24 hours before.
    One funeral wreath from natural flowers in which predominant is white color will always be the best choice to render homage the lovely person.
    The funeral wreath from natural flowers has the diameter about 60 cm.
  • White, Pink and Red Bouquet 

    261.00 Lei ( € 53.50 )
    Little multicoloured spots: 6 gerbera and 6 chrysanthemums in 5 pink roses bouquet make a perfect harmony and a gorgeous color game and certainly they will bring you happiness and smiles in your heart.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in send for you this gorgeous flowers bouquet - gerbera, carnations, chrysanthemums and roses - adequate any important event from your lovely person life.

  • Buchet Mihaela 

    225.50 Lei ( € 46.23 )
    Acest superb buchet de flori este format din 6 trandafiri de diferite culori si 5 gerbere.
    Trimite acest buchet de trandafiri si gerbere persoanei dragi pe nume Mihaela, pentru o surpriza de neuitat, prin intermediul florariei online din Galati, Livrarea se face in aceeasi zi, aproximativ 4 ore de la comanda.

    Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare, buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
  • Cutie cadou pentru el 

    249.00 Lei ( € 51.04 )
    Cutie eleganta de catifea, special creata pentru domni, ce contine o selectie de bauturi alcoolice:
    - o sticla de whiskey Ballentine's de 0.7 l;
    - o sticla de cognac Metaxa 5* de 0.5 l;
    - o sticla de lichior Batagul sau Vox Maris de 0.5 l;
    - o sticla de vodca Stalinskaya de 0.5l.

    Modelul cutiei poate diferi in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Red Ecstasy 

    327.00 Lei ( € 67.03 )
    The flowers bouquet is a gorgeous color combination, between green of the leafage and red roses petals which rises from the leafage...the 13 roses will bring you not just happiness.
    The joy and the delicacy of the roses will be certainly sent to the person who receive this flowers bouquet.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to create a special moment to your lovely person and sends for you this beautiful flowers bouquet by the wanted message, a plush toy and a sweet gift.

  • Orhidee phalaenopsis in ghiveci cu punga cadou 

    Market price 160.00 Lei
    Pret redus 145.00 Lei ( € 29.72 )
    Orhideea este unul dintre simbolurile perfectiunii, puritatii si feminitatii.
  • Exotic Candle 

    59.00 Lei ( € 12.09 )
    The mixed flowers candle: orchids, lisianthus and roses will certainly create a nice and happy atmosphere. To a special day order this beautiful fresh flowers candle from the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in The candle must to be ordered with at least 24 hours before.
  • Rapsodie in Culori Solare 

    350.00 Lei ( € 71.75 )

    Acest buchet vibrant si elegant este o adevarata sarbatoare a culorilor calde si pline de viata. Cuprinzand 9 trandafiri rosii si galbeni, 6 gerbere in nuante solare de portocaliu si galben, 7 alstroemeria delicate de culoare alba, acest aranjament floral este completat de o selectie de verdeata luxurianta care adauga prospetime si vitalitate. Fiecare floare a fost aleasa cu grija pentru a crea un buchet armonios si plin de veselie, perfect pentru a aduce un zambet pe chipul celor dragi cu ocazia zilei onomastice sau a oricarei alte sarbatori speciale.

    Trimite acest buchet spectaculos si lasa-l sa lumineze ziua persoanei dragi din viata ta!


    Componenta: 6 gerbere portocalii, 8 alstroemeria albe, 9 trandafiri rosii si galbeni, eucalipt, chico.

  • Divine Red 

    313.00 Lei ( € 64.16 )
    They tell that the red roses mean the endless love...
    The roses are the most special flowers because of their color intensity, color variety and plant delicacy.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this nice roses bouquet made from 15 red roses by the wanted message and a sweet gift.

  • Trandafiri stabilizati in cutie 

    305.00 Lei ( € 62.52 )
    Surprinde pe cineva drag cu un aranjament floral deosebit si care rezista nu cateva zile, ci cativa ani!
    Acest aranjament floral este realizat din 7 trandafiri stabilizati, 6 rosii si unul de alta culoare, intr-o cutie rotunda.
    Trandafirii sunt 100% naturali si a fost supusi unui tratament de
    stabilizare pentru a-si mentine prospetimea naturala timp de mai multi
    ani. Nu necesita intretinere, apa, lumina sau vreun tratament special.
    Comanda acum acest aranjament floral modern si el va ajunge in 2-4 ore la persoana careia doresti sa-l daruiesti, impreuna cu gandurile tale bune.
  • Friendship 

    Market price 50.00 Lei
    Pret redus 45.00 Lei ( € 9.22 )
    That how a flowers variety are harmonious combined in this flowers basket, that so the 2 friend souls must to harmonious complete.
    This flowers basket is made from 19 multicolored freesias.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in help you to create a magic moment to your lovely person and send for you this flowers basket, by the wanted message and a sweet gift, in only 4 hours.

    The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
  • Cos cu fructe proaspete 

    144.00 Lei ( € 29.52 )
    Un cadou dulce si in acelasi timp sanatos!

    Cosul este plin cu bunatati proaspete ca: mere, pere, gutui, portocale, grapefruit, struguri, piersici, nectarine, cirese, capsuni, banane etc. in functie de sezon, toate proaspete si apetisante!
  • Cylindrical Vase 

    40.00 Lei ( € 8.20 )
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in allow you to order this cylindrical flower vase from shade glass.
    The vase is adequate to the most floral arrangements.
    The vase give a nice distinction to the flowers bouquet and make it more beautiful.

    Dimensions: Height = 32 cm; Diameter = 15 cm.
  • Buchet Elena 

    170.00 Lei ( € 34.85 )
    Trimite-i sarbatoritei tale un buchet care ii poarta numele si-i vei face o surpriza de neuitat! Un buchet vesel, in nuante de roz si alb, perfect pentru a ura tot ce-i mai frumos unei persoane speciale din viata ta. Trimite acest buchet cu Flori in si va ajunge la destinatie in maxim 3-4 ore de la confirmarea platii. Poti atasa buchetului si un tort, o cutie de bomboane sau o sticla de sampanie din sectiunea "Cadouri".
    Buchetul contine 4 gerbera/minigerbera, 5 crizanteme si 4 alstroemeria.
     Nuantele florilor pot diferi fata de fotografia de prezentare, in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Buchet Gabriela 

    251.00 Lei ( € 51.45 )
    Un buchet deosebit, compus din trandafiri, gerbere si alstroemeria, ce cu siguranta va produce produce bucurie, fie ca este oferit intr-o zi onomastica, cu o alta ocazie speciala sau intr-o zi oarecare. Numarul total de flori componente: 4 trandafiri, 5 gerbere, 8 alstroemeria, in nuante de rosu, galben, portocaliu, roz.
  • Red And White 

    273.00 Lei ( € 55.96 )
    A gorgeous bouquet that combines two colors, white and red as well as two types of flowers, lilies and roses. 9 red roses and white lilies made ​​a superb two color game.
    Send this bouquet of flowers online florist loved person in Galati, that delivers flowers same day of order.

    The image is for presentation.  bouquet vase not included.
  • 1 Freesia 

    Market price 85.00 Lei
    Pret redus 80.00 Lei ( € 16.40 )
    Buy from our local online florist, Flowers in a spring flower - one freesia- who can match with the bride bouquet. These floral arrangement should be ordered to at least 2 weeks before.
  • Cafea boabe Doncafe Cremoso 1 Kg 

    Market price 180.00 Lei
    Pret redus 150.00 Lei ( € 30.75 )

    Doncafe Espresso, cafea boabe din boabe prajite lent, medium roast (medie) tipica pentru espresso, avand o culoare aramie, cu o aroma puternica.

    Potrivita pentru consumatorii ce isi prepara cafeaua la masini tip espressor automat sau isi rasnesc acasa cafeaua boabe, pentru a experimenta o cafea cu adevarat proaspata.


    Aduce tot ce are mai bun cafeaua din America de Sud si Centrala, Asia si Africa. Un amestec de soiuri de cafea predominant Arabica si desavarsite cu un strop de Robusta , pentru un espresso dens si o crema bogata.

  • Cosulet cu surprize 

    411.00 Lei ( € 84.25 )
    Cosuletul cu surprize perfect pentru a face o surpriza placuta persoanei dragi, contine 13 trandafiri rosii dispusi in sirag de margele de-a lungul marginii cosuletului, iar in mijloc - surpriza consta din bomboane de ciocolata presarate printre floricele decorative.
    Bomboanele si cosuletul pot diferi in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Cutie cu flori  

    169.00 Lei ( € 34.64 )
    O cutie cu un design deosebit, plina cu flori! Cu timpul, inevitabil, florile se vor ofili; in schimb cutia va ramane pentru totdeauna ca amintire. Flori in Galati-Braila iti ofera un aranjament inedit, vesel si practic: caseta ramane si poate ulterior adaposti bijuterii sau alte obiecte, dupa imaginatia si nevoile fiecaruia. Trimite cuiva drag un aranjament alcatuit din crizanteme, trandafiri si minigerbera in culori vesele. Cutia este disponibila in 3 marimi:
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mici este de aproximativ 23*16*5 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei medii este de aproximativ 25*18*6 cm;
    -  Dimensiunea cutiei mari este de aproximativ 29*21*7 cm,
    Design-ul cutiei poate diferi in functie de stocul existent.
  • Cutie de lux cu trandafiri, alstroemeria si orhidee  

    329.80 Lei ( € 67.61 )
    Vrei un cadou care sa impresioneze? Aceasta cutie cu flori este ideala chiar si pentru cea mai pretentioasa persoana! Trandafirii, alstroemeria si cupele de orhidee, impreuna cu mici detalii decorative se imbina armonios formand un aranjament floral deosebit, ce cu siguranta va ramane mult timp intiparit in memoria persoanei care il va primi.
    Cutia in care se realizeaza aranjamentul este de calitate, eleganta. Diametrul aranjamentului este de 15-20 cm.
  • Delicatete 

    375.50 Lei ( € 76.98 )
    Un aranjament special, pentru o persoana speciala! 12 trandafiri roz pal delicati si 5 cupe de orhidee phalaenopsis, inca si mai delicate, printre fire de eucalipt si feriga, frumos aranjate in burete floral, intr-o cutie bej ce completeaza perfect aranjamentul.

    Atunci cand detaliile conteaza!
  • Duo 

    233.50 Lei ( € 47.87 )
    In this roses bouquet the red and green colors make a perfect duo.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 13 red and white roses.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to create a special moment to your lovely person and sends for you this gorgeous flowers bouquet "Duo" by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
    Certainly the surprise will be covered by the happiness.

  • Mini cutie cu cadouri 

    Market price 129.00 Lei
    Pret redus 119.00 Lei ( € 24.39 )
    O cutie cu bunatati, ideala de asortat cu un buchet de flori.
    Indulceste-i ziua cuiva drag cu acest dar, ce contine:
    1 sticla de sampanie Zarea- miniatura;
    1 ciocolata Milka;
    1 cutie de trufe Belgian -  trufe de ciocolata - 200g;
    1 cutiuta de Ferrero Rocher Mon Cheri- praline de ciocolata  - 52.5g;
    1 cutiuta Raffaello - specialitati crocante de nuca de cocos cu migdala intreaga in interior - 40g
    1 cutie de cadou, din carton.
  • For him 

    530.00 Lei ( € 108.65 )
    "For him "is a product that contains two "strong ", manly, elements: a bottle of wine and a box of straw elegant for the bottle of wine, and an element that reveals the sensitivity of any man, a white rose.

    Surprise now one of the men in your life with this unique gift.
  • Snowflakes 

    855.00 Lei ( € 175.27 )
    The flowers bouquet "Snowflakes" is made from 45 snowballs - white roses and red roses.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to meet proper the winter and sends you this nice roses bouquet.
    Send to your lovely person this roses bouquet by the wanted message and a sweet gift with the online florist from Timisoara, Flwoers in
  • Zarea-sparkling wine 

    49.00 Lei ( € 10.04 )
    A romanian fine sparkling wine.
  • Zarea-sparkling wine 

    Market price 110.00 Lei
    Pret redus 99.00 Lei ( € 20.29 )
    A romanian fine sparkling wine.
  • Raffaello Candies 

    49.00 Lei ( € 10.04 )
    Send to your lovely person an sweet gift, Raffaello candies, by a flower from our local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in
    Raffaello Candies box at 150 g.
  • 51 Roses 

    990.00 Lei ( € 202.95 )
    The flowers bouquet contains 51 red roses.
    This roses bouquet is perfect to make a nice surprise - to say Happy Birthday! to your lovely person.
    Send this gorgeous flowers bouquet by the wanted message, a nice toy or a sweet gift to your lovely person, with the online florist from Galati,
  • 9 Trandafiri albi 

    199.00 Lei ( € 40.79 )
    Buchetul de flori contine 9 trandafiri albi potriviti pentru orice moment de bucurie.
    Pentru o surpriza de neuitat floraria online Flori in Galati si in trimite pentru tine acest buchet de trandafiri persoanei dragi, in aceeasi zi de la comanda.
  • Anthurium in Flower-pot 

    139.00 Lei ( € 28.49 )
    The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - named The Flamingo Bird because of the shape and the color which looks like The Flamingo Bird.
    Most of the plant has red flowers, but there are pink, white and orange flowers.
    The Anthurium is a tropical perennial plant who's growing is in shrub shape from 70 - 80 cm.
    The anthurium flowers are little, fleshy, arranged in ear, white, red or yellow colored. These inflorescence is protect by a modified leafage colored in red, pink, white very decorative.
    Make a nice surprise to your lovely person an send these beautiful plant trough our online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    Anthurium Plant is offer you in a ceramic flower-pot.

    Care way oft the Anthurium in flower-pot:

    Location of the Anthurium: The plant in flower-pot - Anthurium - didn't like direct sun shine, even she needs light, the light must be indirect or filtered.
    In the winter the Anthurium flower-pot may be sit on the ledge, the received light in the cold period help the plant to produce constantly flowers.

    Temperature of the Anthurium: Anthurium in flower-pot loves the warm temperature, he needs 25 degrees Celsius in air and soil.

    Water of the Anthurium: In the summer the plant need fresh air by ventilation of the room, but without air currents; also the plant needs a high humidity in atmosphere (permanently spraying with water to the plant).
    The water should be maintained to the room temperature.
    The soil of the plant should be moderate wet.

    The soil of the Anthurium: The plant needs an acid, spongy nourishing soil (a composition of red fibrous peat, leafage soil, sand).
    From april to october is indicate to add a fertilizer for the acidophil plant, you will observe a lot of flowers and leafage.
  • Buchet Feminin 

    365.00 Lei ( € 74.82 )
    Un superb buchet de flori despre care numele spune totul - "feminin". Buchetul de flori este frumos decorat cu 10 trandafiri dintre care rasar razlet 3 crini imperiali. Floraria online te ajuta sa faci o surpriza persoanei dragi si trimite buchetul de flori la domiciliu in 4 ore de la comanda.

    Vaza poate sa difere in functie de stocul existent.
  • 17 Callas 

    Market price 185.00 Lei
    Pret redus 162.00 Lei ( € 33.21 )
    The calla is an elegant, mysterious and delicate flower, which confer mystery and oneness to the flowers bouquet.
    This flowers bouquet is made from 17 callas nice arranged to bring joy in the lovely person's life. Send this gorgeous callas bouquet to your lovely person through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in to create an unforgettable moment.

    The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
  • Cafea macinata Jacobs Decofeinizata 250 gr 

    55.00 Lei ( € 11.27 )
    Cafea macinata decafeinizata Jacobs Kronung Alintaroma, 250 g pentru iubitorii de cafea, insa fara cofeina.

    Comanda acum de la floraria Flori in
  • Classic 

    483.00 Lei ( € 99.02 )
    The flowers bouquet contain 23 red roses dotted with little decorative white flowers.
    The flowers bouquet "Classic" combines classic with elegant and is perfect for any occasion.
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous flowers bouquet by the wanted message, a plush toy and a sweet gift.
  • Love! 

    242.00 Lei ( € 49.61 )
    Love! este un superb buchet de flori, ale carui culori predominante sunt alb si rosu. Buchetul de flori este alcatuit din 7 trandafiri rosii si 2 crini.
    Trimite acest delicat si elegant buchet de flori persoanei dragi, cu floraria online din Galati,, care livreaza flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Imaginea este cu titlul de prezentare; buchetul de flori nu contine vaza.
  • For him 

    99.00 Lei ( € 20.29 )
    "For him "is a product that contains two "strong ", manly, elements: a bottle of wine and a box of straw elegant for the bottle of wine, and an element that reveals the sensitivity of any man, a white rose.

    Surprise now one of the men in your life with this unique gift.
  • 17 Callas 

    Market price 250.00 Lei
    Pret redus 230.00 Lei ( € 47.15 )
    The calla is an elegant, mysterious and delicate flower, which confer mystery and oneness to the flowers bouquet.
    This flowers bouquet is made from 17 callas nice arranged to bring joy in the lovely person's life. Send this gorgeous callas bouquet to your lovely person through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in to create an unforgettable moment.

    The image is with presentation title and didn't contain the vase.
  • Vin rosu Beciul Domnesc Feteasca Neagra 0,75 L 

    62.00 Lei ( € 12.71 )
    Un vin rosu a carui aroma de prune uscate in soarele tarziu al toamnei, dupa o indelunga coacere si maturare a strugurilor, ii confera eleganta si persistenta.

    Cantitate: 0,75 litri;
    Continut alcool: 13,5%
  • Sampanie Moet & Chandon 0.75 L 

    Market price 399.00 Lei
    Pret redus 370.00 Lei ( € 75.85 )
    Sarbatoreste zilele importante din viata ta si a celor dragi cu cel mai renumit tip de sampanie din intreaga lume: Moet & Chandon 750 ml. Cu o traditie de peste 250 de ani, acest tip de sampanie te surprinde prin amestecul a peste 100 de vinuri de calitate superioara, realizate in ani diferiti. Sampania Moet & Chandon 750 ml contine 12% alcool si il poti consuma alaturi de peste, carne alba sau produse pe baza de peste. Mirosul sau de baza este vibrant si aminteste de prospetimea merelor si a citricelor. Se evidentiaza si note subtile de nuci si flori albe. In ceea ce priveste gustul, vei putea simti arome echilibrate de citrice, piersici si agrise.

    Comanda acum de la Flori in
  • Ballantine's 0.7 l 

    99.00 Lei ( € 20.29 )
    Un whiskey fin, o surpriza placuta pentru orice barbat bine!

  • Cafea boabe Julius Meinl 1 Kg 

    190.00 Lei ( € 38.95 )
    Cafeaua boabe Julius Meinl pastreaza traditia marelui producator austriac cu acelasi nume. Este o cafea de calitate superioara, fiind culese boabele perfecte. Prajirea este slaba spre medie pentru a pastra aromele deosebite ale boabelor de cafea. O combinatie de boabe selectate din America de Sud, America Centrala si Asia - un amestec intens, atat in aroma, cat si gust. Gustul persistent aminteste de ciocolata neagra si cacao.
    Pentru o cafea perfecta, este recomandata prepararea la espressor.
    Intensitate: 5/10.
    Cantitate: 1 Kg.
  • Cafea boabe Lavazza 1 Kg 

    Market price 150.00 Lei
    Pret redus 140.00 Lei ( € 28.70 )
    Cafeaua boabe Lavazza de calitate superioara, amestec de arabica si robusta, este produsa dupa cele mai riguroase standarde italiene. Boabele prajite mediu pastreaza atat aroma, cat si taria unei cafele gustoase si cremoase. Este recomandata tuturor iubitorilor de cafea.
    Intensitate: 8/10.
    Cantitate: 1 Kg.
  • Ferrero Collection 172 g 

    Market price 77.00 Lei
    Pret redus 70.00 Lei ( € 14.35 )
    Vrei sa gasesti mixul perfect de arome intense, obtinute din ingrediente de calitate? Intr-o cutie de bomboane ciocolata Ferrero Collection, 172 g ai ocazia sa descoperi trei dintre celebrele specialitati Ferrero. Gusturile delicioase si textura fina a bomboanelor produse in Italia sunt completate de un ambalaj cu adevarat spectaculos. Intr-o eleganta cutie de bomboane ciocolata Ferrero Collection, 172 g gasesti 15 bomboane de trei feluri. Este vorba despre specialitatile Raffaello, cu nuca de cocos, Rocher, cu alune si ciocolata, respectiv Rond Noir, cu ciocolata amaruie. Alterneaza cele trei arome si lasa-te surprins de savoarea lor.
    Comanda online produsul din oferta Flori in Profita de livrare rapida la domiciliu.
    Iti oferim si pret extrem de avantajos si servicii de o calitate ireprosabila!
  • Ferrero Prestige 246 g Bomboane asortate 

    Market price 94.00 Lei
    Pret redus 85.00 Lei ( € 17.43 )
    Vrei sa gasesti mixul perfect de arome intense, obtinute din ingrediente de calitate? Intr-o cutie de bomboane asortate Ferrero Prestige 246 g, ai ocazia sa descoperi trei specialitati Ferrero intr-o singura cutie imbinand gustul unic de alune si ciocolata din Rocher cu prospetimea ciresei si savoarea lichiorului din Mon Cheri si delicioasa cafea lichida din Pocket Coffee. Gusturile delicioase si textura fina a bomboanelor produse in Italia sunt completate de un ambalaj cu adevarat spectaculos. Intr-o eleganta cutie de bomboane ciocolata Ferrero Prestige gasesti 21 bomboane de trei feluri.
    Comanda online produsul din oferta Flori in Profita de livrare rapida la domiciliu.
    Iti oferim si pret extrem de avantajos si servicii de o calitate ireprosabila!
  • Vin spumant alb Angelli Cuvee Imperial 0.75 L 

    62.00 Lei ( € 12.71 )
    Cauti un vin spumant pentru o ocazie speciala? Iti recomandam cu toata increderea vin spumant alb demisec Angelli Cuvee Imperial, 0.75 L. Acest tip de vin spumant este un demisec clasic, obtinut prin fermentatie naturala. Gustul sau unic si aroma usor fructata il fac o alegere perfecta pentru orice fel de ocazie, reprezentand unul dintre vinurile de marca ale portofoliului Angelli.

    Este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute vinuri spumante, datorita calitatilor si complexitatii sale, garantand impresionarea tuturor pasionatilor de vinuri si nu numai. Acest vin spumant alb Angelli Cuvee Imperial, 0.75L contine alcool in concentratie de 11.5%, recomandandu-se consumul la temperaturi scazute. Nu sta pe ganduri si profita de preturile accesibile si calitatea inconfudabila a unei sticle de vin spumant alb demisec Angelli Cuvee Imperial, 0.75L.

    Cantitate: 0,75 litri;
    Continut alcool: 11,5%
  • 5 White Roses 

    133.50 Lei ( € 27.37 )
    The flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Galati,, is made from 5 white roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to your lovely person, to make a happiness with the online florist Galati,
  • Vin spumant alb Angelli Cuvee Imperial Magnum 1,5 L 

    152.00 Lei ( € 31.16 )
    Vin spumant alb demisec Angelli, Cuvee Imperial Magnum 1.5 l
    Angelli Cuvee Imperial Magnum este un vin spumant demisec clasic obtinut prin fermentatie naturala.

    Cantitate: 1,5 litri;
    Continut alcool: 11,5%
  • Chic Bouquet 

    234.00 Lei ( € 47.97 )
    The flowers bouquet "Chic bouquet" is made from 6 red roses and 3 orange gerbera; the flowers are beautiful arranged and colored in spring colors.
    This roses and gerbera bouquet will be mettlesome you with his naturalness, simplicity and in the same time with his grandeur.
    The flowers bouquet is perfect to create a happiness moment to your lovely person; the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in is by your side and helps you to create a pleasant moment; we send for you this "chic bouquet".
    Flowers in Timisoara sends flowers to your residence in only 4 hours.
  • Purity Bouquet 

    329.00 Lei ( € 67.44 )
    The flowers bouquet "Purity Bouquet" is perfect to meet a new baby and not just that.
    Send this gorgeous flowers bouquet made from 13 white roses and decorative flowers.
    The online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in helps you to give a present, this flowers bouquet and offers you the possibility to order also a plush toy or a sweet gift.

  • Buchet Viata in roz 

    258.50 Lei ( € 52.99 )
    Buchetul de flori este alcatuit din 11 trandafiri roz si floricele decorative.
    Trimite acest frumos buchet de trandafiri persoanei dragi prin intermediul florariei online Flori in Galati si in
  • Multicoloured Roses Basket 

    501.00 Lei ( € 102.70 )
    The flowers basket contain 17 roses (white roses, pink roses, yellow roses, orange roses) - practically all the colors of the roses are found in this gorgeous flowers basket, that will bring to your lovely person, a little happiness and for a moment she will feel special.
    Always a flower gift from the heart, to your lovely person will be a happiness occasion; send this colored roses basket through the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in

    The basket may differ in accordance with the stock.
  • Vin spumant alb Angelli Cuvee Deluxe 0.75 L 

    95.00 Lei ( € 19.47 )
    Angelli Deluxe Spumant este un vin spumant obtinut prin fermentarea naturala in sticla pe perioade lungi de timp, pentru obtinerea unui perlaj fin.

    Cantitate: 0,75 litri;
    Continut alcool: 11,5%
  • Vin alb demidulce Beciul Domnesc Muscat Ottonel 0.75 L 

    62.00 Lei ( € 12.71 )
    Vin alb demidulce Beciul Domnesc, Muscat Ottonel 0.75 l
    Savuroasele note florale de tei, salcam completate de notele fructate de pepene galben si caise, sunt subliniate de caracterul demidulce al vinului. Perfect echilibrat, este un vin care emana savoare si prospetime.

    Cantitate: 0,75 litri;
    Continut alcool: 12,5%
  • 7 Pink Roses 

    150.50 Lei ( € 30.85 )
    One flowers bouquet offered by the local florist from Timisoara, Flowers in, made from 7 pink roses.
    Send this roses bouquet to make a happiness to your lovely person with the online florist Flowers in
  • Vin alb semidulce Cricova Chardonnay 0,75 L 

    49.00 Lei ( € 10.04 )
    Vin alb semidulce Cricova, Chardonnay este produs dupa o metoda traditionala, care totodata foloseste si tehnologii de productie moderne. Strugurii sunt de origine europeana, din soiul Chardonnay, recoltati din diferite zone ale Republicii Moldova. Acest vin este potrivit pentru persoanele care pun pret pe note dulci, precum cele de ciocolata si visine.

    Vinul alb semidulce Cricova Chardonnay are o aroma fructata, iar culoarea sa este caramizie, cu o tenta inchisa. Pentru a te bucura de gustul sau pe deplin, este recomandat sa il consumi la o temperatura de 18 ⁰C, la aproximativ 120 de minute de la deschidere. Poate fi servit alaturi de preparate culinare pe baza de carne, branzeturi sau chiar alaturi de deserturi din branza.
    Cantitate: 0,75 litri;
    Continut alcool: 12,5%
  • Don't forget me! - Pink 

    171.50 Lei ( € 35.16 )
    To make a nice surprise to your lovely person the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in sends for you this gorgeous pink roses bouquet.
    The flowers bouquet is made from 7 pink roses that will certainly bring a large smile to your lovely person and she certainly "don't forget you".
    Next to the roses bouquet you can also send a sweet gift or a message.

  • Cosulet Multicolor 

    182.50 Lei ( € 37.41 )
    Nuantele variate de culori ale celor 15 minigerbere, ofera o nota vesela cosuletului de flori.
    Trimite acest jucaus cosulet cu gerbere persoanei dragi cu floraria online Flori in, care livreaza buchete de flori la domiciliu in aceeasi zi de la comanda.

    Cosuletul poate sa difere in functie de stocul disponibil.
  • Pink Bouquet 

    320.00 Lei ( € 65.60 )
    The flowers bouquet is made from 13 pink roses, which with their smell they will be scent the day and will be shine and cheer up the home with their color.
    The roses are special, mysterious flowers and in the same time tender flowers, adequate to any occasion: birthday, bride bouquet, christening...
    To make a happiness to your lovely person, the online florist from Timisoara, Flowers in is by your side and sends in your name this pink roses bouquet, by the wanted message and a sweet gift.
  • Metaxa 5* 

    79.00 Lei ( € 16.20 )
    Un cognac recunoscut pentru calitatea sa.
    Sticla de 0.5 l.
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Acasa la Flori in Galati-Braila. Livrare de flori la domiciliu in Galati si Braila